Wednesday 18 January 2012

First Post on this BLOG "CSB OFFICIALS"

There was a demand to create a blog for CSB officials, I saw in a social website facebook. As Such, it was decided to create a blog for social networking silk platform particularly for silk community across boundaries irrespective of post and designation. Finally, "CSB OFFICIALS" takes a shape, an additional platform, to showcase and share experiences, views, comments on all aspects relating to production and productivity etc. keeping in view of the auspicious goals/ mandate of the organization and usefulness for whole of the silk loving and caring community across globe. 
One can share experiences & views on each of the post published in this blog separately on any of the aspect involved in Sericulture activities relating to "on farm" and  "off farm" including evolving of high yielding varieties to meet out production challenges and its proper propagation at field/ beneficiary level thereafter marketing, value additions  and so on.....
Please start a campaign altogether to popularize this blog "CSBOFFICIALS" in such a way to leave impact on the stakeholders in transmission of latest know how and techniques/ technological improvements in yield per unit area, low cost easily available implements to be used by beneficiaries,  backward and forward linkages to maintain constant flow of information transparently and  coordination in much better way utilizing the most advance & effective tool platform.  

Thanks and regards to all.

Truly Yours,



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Mulberyy and Vanya Silks of India

Mulberyy and Vanya Silks of India